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Monday, January 29, 2007

Crucial Moments: Speed or not, hurry or not?

Some times when we're driving we all want to speed up and get there sooner, of course my husband told me about 27 years ago, that you really don't get there sooner just cause you're speeding. So for twenty seven years I've made it my hobby to see if he was right, and more often than not he is correct: I pull into a toll booth or ramp exit in back of the ying-yang that cut me off 5 minutes back.

The crucial moment comes into play when you arrive 5 minutes, or 2 minutes, or 1/2 minutes after a crash, then you feel empathy for those involved in the event yet, you are highly thankful that it wasn't a day you chose to speed. All of that timing is what makes up a days events. You're either on the good side of five minutes or the one bad split second.

And then there is the law of averages, which becomes scarier as time passes.

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